Minggu, 29 April 2012

Tolakan Pada Kliring
Dalam sistem kliring dalam perbankan, tidak semua kliring yang dikirimkan antar bank yang bersangkutan dapat di terima, namun ada beberapa kliring yang di tolak.

Senin, 02 April 2012

Menghitung Bunga

Bank mendapatkan keuntungan dari dua sumber yaitu :
  1. Interest speread, yang terdiri dari :
    1. Deposit, deposit terdiri dari:
-      Tabungan
-      Giro
-      Deposito
    1. Loan
  1. Fee, yang terdiri dari :
    1. kliring
    2. transfer
    3. inkaso
    4. latter of credit (LC)
    5. bank garansi (BG)
    6. safe deposit box
    7. valas

Metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung bunga yaitu :
  1. Perhitungan bunga saldo akhir
  2. Perhitungan bunga saldo rata-rata
  3. Perhitungan bunga saldo terendah
  4. Perhitungan bunga perubahan saldo (daily)

I. Perhitungan bunga saldo akhir

1. Untuk menghitung bunga deposit yaitu

%i x hari bunga (HB) x nominal/ 365
 2. Menghitung bunga Loan

          %i x hari bunga (HB) x nominal/ 360

 II. Perhitungan bunga saldo rata-rata

Saldo1/ hari + saldo2/hari + saldo3/hari

III. Perhitungan saldo terendah

          (saldo1+saldo2+saldo3)/ jumlah transaksi

Untuk saldo awal bulan yaitu, setelah menghitung bunga uang mengendap maka bunga tersebut du jumlahkan dengan saldo akhir. Hasilnya akan menjadi saldo di awal bulan selanjutnya.

Minggu, 01 April 2012


          Kliring adalah transaksi antar bank yang melalui bank Indonesia sebagai mediatornya. Kliring antar bank adalah pertukaran waktu antar data elektronik antar bank nama bank maupun nasabah yang hasil perhitunganya deselesaikan pada waktu tertentu. Warkat atau data keuangan elektronik yang dimaksud adalah alat pembayaran bukan tunai yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan atau ketentuan lain yang berlaku.

Contoh kasus 1:
Tn. Ade mempunyai giro pada Bank Jadi, sedangkan Tn. Boni mempunyai simpanan giro dan tabungan pada Bank Saga. Tn Ade mengirim cek kepada Tn Boni sebesar Rp 10. 000. 000 kepada. Yang menjadi permasalahan adalah Tn Ade dan Tn Boni mempunyai rekening di bank yang berbeda. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini peran bank sentral sangatlah penting yakni sebagai penghubung antar bank. Bank Jadi dalam hal ini mengirim surat kepada BI yang disebut nota debet keluar karena yang mengeluarkan surat adalah bank Jadi. Lalu BI mengirim kembali surat kepada Bank Saga yang disebut dengan nota debet masuk. Lalu BI akan metransfer uang cek tersebut kepada bank yang bersangkutan sehingga Tn Boni bisa mencairkanya di Bank Jadi.
Contoh kasus 2:
Seseorang yang berdomisili di Jakarta bernama Rojak ingin mengirim uang kepada sodaranya yang berada di NTT bernama Iman. Rojak menyimpsn rekeningnya di Bank BNI sedangkan Iman mempunyai rekening di Bank Daerah NTT. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut ada dua cara untuk mengirim uang kepada Iman. Cara pertama yaitu Rojak mentransfer ke Bank BNI yang berada di NTT lalu bank BNI tersebut kliring kepada bank yang bersangkutan. Cara yang kedua yaitu Rojak kliring ke bank daerah NTT yang berada di Jakarta lalu bank itu mentransfer kepada Bank Daerah NTT. Istilah tersebut dinamakan kliring atau lalu lintas pembayaran.
            Dari keterangan di atasa dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kliring bisa terjadi apabila dilakukan beda bank, dan ada kantor bank yang berbeda berdomisili berdekatan. Dan jug setiap bank harus memiliki sipanan di Bank Indonesia sebesar 8% dari bank tersebut.

Recommended Wedding Etiquette Books

In every part of the world, ladies dream of weddings. More often than not, they succeed in getting one. Thus, for every nation or country, in every culture, there are weddings.
Weddings have become inevitable events in modern society. But, it is clear and apparent that weddings have become, in a sense, a way of lifestyle. It can be attributed to the Western influence.
Wedding traditions, be it for Americans, Asians, Europeans, Africans or any race, have become universalized. When you say universalized, it means the event has adhered to same customs and traditions.
Thus, we have wedding etiquettes. Wedding etiquettes can vary from one country to another. But the variations are only slight and minimal. Moreover, the ethics and etiquettes in weddings are all but the same.
Because being into weddings or attending weddings have become a way of our modern life, people can get anxiety knowing that there are certain gestures that can be considered not likely during weddings.
If you are a bride or a groom, the anxiety can get really concerning. The couple will have to undergo a hard time—on wedding jitters and on anxiety from wedding customs.
Thus, the best way to help the soon-to-be-wed couple is to educate them about certain wedding etiquettes.
Because learning venues for wedding etiquettes can get so distracting, awkward and embarrassing at the same time, it is advisable that those needing briefings for wedding etiquettes consult the book stands.
The following are several of the highly recommended readings or books for or about wedding etiquettes. To get to know the books better, or to absorb what they have to say, get to the nearest book store or go to your favorite online shopping site to place an order.
Some recommended wedding etiquette books
“The Everything Etiquette Book: A Modern-Day Guide to Good Manners” by Leah Ingram. The author, Leah Ingram is considered as one of society’s etiquette experts. Actually, the book is not exclusive to wedding etiquettes.
The book tackles etiquettes for everyday living. Included in the topics covered are how to deal with annoying neighbors, how to choose and send the perfect gift for every occasion, professionalism at work, camaraderie with colleagues and friends, dealing with unlikely relatives and so on.
Because the book covers everything etiquette, of course, a few pages are allotted to weddings. The wedding etiquettes mentioned in the book are glimpses and shortened or simplified, but they still are effective tips.
“Crane’s Wedding Blue Book” by Steven L. Feinberg. Mr Steven Feinberg’s wedding book is very detailed and covers everything about wedding etiquettes.
The issues tackled start from the preparation—from short listing the guest list, doing the invitation, hiring wedding planners, and so on. The wedding etiquettes covered by the book extend to until after the honeymoon, when the couple should have finished giving out thank you cards to their wedding guests.
The book also gives tips and guidelines on what kind and color of paper to use when printing out invites and than you notes. It also deals with the proper way of handling unlikely, and yes, even wedding crashers.
“The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book: Insights and Advice on Handling Even the Stickiest Wedding Issues” by Emily Ehrenstein and Laura Morin. The book gives out little and practical do’s and don’ts during weddings.
The book takes the issues from the different perspectives of that of the bride, the groom, the parents, the maid of honor, the bride’s maids, the groom’s men, stepmothers, down to the guests.
The book boasts of practical solution to every concern and awkward situations that occur during weddings. The situations discussed can sometimes get cute, amusing and funny, but you can tell that they are timely and truthful. Several sticky situations, for sure, have happened to you.
Everyone who has attended weddings or who are planning to attend or get into one can relate to the book.
The book even gives out solutions and advice on how to handle difficult situations during weddings that include how to ask parents-in-law for financial assistance to cover the reception, including step parents in the ceremony, allowing single guests to tag along dates down to planning seat arrangements for divorced parents and more.
The above mentioned wedding etiquette books can be found at our favorite book stand or can be ordered online. Just read the books by heart so you can get to absorb wedding etiquettes and save your face when situations get really sticky during weddings.

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