Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

Past Participle

Past participle (V-3) artinya menunjuk pada kegiatan yang bersifat pasif.

Letak past participle dalam kalimat

- sebelum kata benda, contoh: I saw a broken glass in the corner.

- setelah linking verb (be), contoh: She seemed worried.

- di awal kalimat, contoh: Shaken, he walked away from the wrecked car.

Fungsi Past Participle
1. sebagai keterangan kata benda
contoh : the written test is more difficult
the test written by the professor is more difficult
2. sebagai adverb clause
contoh : situated near the beautiful beach, the town soon becomes a popular tourists resort.
(because the town is situated near the beautiful beach, the town soon becomes a popular tourists resort)

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